Electric Vehicle Powertrain

Hybrid Battery and Supercapacitor Management Systems, EV and Utility Vehicle Powertrain Control, Double-Stator Switched
Reluctance Motor Drive

DER Affordability

Improving the affordability of distributed energy resources (DERs) through Module Level Power Electronics, Battery management, and Computation decoupling.

Smart grid Interoperability

Enhancing Smart Grid Interoperability and data exchange by integrating AI and contextual language models .

Grid Digitization

Driving grid digitization and fault recovery using software-defined microgrid systems, digital twin technologies, and data-driven controls.

Community Energy Planning

Enhancing remote community engagement through interactive energy AI, and the promotion of community-owned utilities.

Grid Cyber Security

Developing secure and privacy-centric peer-to-peer energy planning and local energy markets using distributed ledger technology.

Hybrid Supercapacitor/Battery Inverter:

☑ Bi-directional inverter for grid-tied or islanded,
☑ Multi modes: backup, self-supply, and export limiting,
☑ Modular and scalable for adaptable energy needs,
☑ Droop controlled for efficient SOC operation,
☑ Compatible with Li batteries, supercapacitors, or both,
☑ Advanced hybrid storage management,
☑ Storage configuration management optimizes power output and maintains stable voltage

Modular Smart Meter:

☑ Compliant with ANSI C12.20, Revenue Grade,
☑ Support LAN, Wifi, Zigbee, Lora,
☑ Equipped with a 3hrs uninterrupted power supply,
☑ Bi-directional 208-600 Vac (1P 2W, 1P 3W, 3P 3W, 3P 4W),
☑ Compliant with IEEE 802.3,4,5,11,15, and IEEE 2030.5
☑ Support different CTs, 333mV, 5A or Rope CT inputs,
☑ Support TLS 1.2 cipher suites.

Modular Smart Meter:

☑ Compliant with ANSI C12.20, Revenue Grade,
☑ Support LAN, Wifi, Zigbee, Lora,
☑ Multiphase 208-600 Vac (1P 2W, 1P 3W, 3P 3W, 3P 4W),
☑ Compliant with IEEE 802.3,4,5,11,15,
☑ Support different CTs, 333mV, 5A or Rope CT inputs,
☑ Bi-directional (renewable systems),
☑ Support IEEE 2030.5 metering function,
☑ Support TLS 1.2 cipher suites

Multi-tier EVSE Energy Management System:

☑ A dynamic real-time EVSE and non-EV load management,
☑ Utilizes Wi-SUN mesh network protocol compatible with Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI 2.0).
☑ Embedded AI and Generative Adversarial Imputation Nets (GAIN) for effective on-device data imputation.
☑ Secure token-based local transactions for operational continuity in limited connectivity scenarios.
☑ Compatibility with ISO 15118 and OCPP 2.0.1 for P&C and V2G systems.

DER Interoperable adapter:

☑ Sunspec inverter model 101-103,
☑ Sunspec meter model 201,
☑ Sunspec string combiner model 401-402,
☑ IEEE 2030.5 DER, metering, flow reservation function sets,
☑ Supports TLS 1.2 cipher suites,
☑ Compliant with IEEE 802.3,4,5,11,15

Residential EVSE energy management system:

☑ Compliant with ANSI C12.20, Revenue Grade,
☑ Support LAN, Wifi, Zigbee, Lora,
☑ Compliant with OCPP 1.6, 2.0.1.
☑ Support different CTs, 333mV, 5A or Rope CT inputs,
☑ Support IEEE 2030.5 metering function,
☑ Support TLS 1.2 cipher suites, and☑ Digital Input/Outputs, Auxiliary

µ-Tie© all smart grid devices in to one platform

A federated and transactive DERMS that addresses these challenges using a multi-layered and distributed ledger technology employing IEEE 2030.5-2018, OpenAI standards on smart grid interoperability. The µTies is a software framework that utilizes a lightweight federated byzantine agreement (FBA) blockchain technology to address the resiliency, security, and transparency in energy and finical transactions. It is equipped with digital twins (DTs) and generative artificial intelligence (AI) to improve social resiliency and privacy

Smart Charging and V2X

① Implement and test the ISO 15118-2/20 standard for secure EV-to-EVSE communication.
② ISO 15118 Plug and Charge and transactional load management.
③ The PKI infrastructure compatible with ISO 15118, OCPP 2.0.1, and IEEE 2030.5, ensuring security and interoperability.
④ Integrate and test J1772 and J2836 for V2X applications, along with J2836/1 and IEEE 2030.5 for smart charging.